What Does a Butterfly Symbolize?
For thousands of years, the butterfly has served as a representation of transformation, hope, and faith. Its various life cycles, from larva to caterpillar to chrysalis and ultimately to a magnificent, fluttering butterfly, have also made it a symbol of rebirth.1
Table of Contents
Butterfly Symbolism in Dreams
The interpretation of dreams is a fascinating subject, however, it can be quite challenging, as it requires taking into account the dreamer’s personal associations and possibly significant events in their life. Our approach to interpreting dream symbols follows the psychological perspective.
Butterfly symbolism in dreams represents your untapped potential and your ability to transform both emotionally and physically. In dreams, the caterpillar symbolizes the slower aspects of yourself that have the potential to develop into something new. The butterfly’s metamorphosis signifies a powerful transformation, representing your journey through different life cycles, phases, and conscious shifts.
Moreover, butterfly symbolism in dreams can also represent the death of old habits and behaviors, as well as the renewal and rebirth of any new project or inner transformation. The butterfly’s ability to move freely and not be restricted represents your ability to rise above earthly matters and tune into the emotional or spiritual world of the soul and psyche. Additionally, depending on the color of the butterfly, it can suggest different chakra or psychic abilities that you may possess.2
What Does a Dead Butterfly Represent?
According to popular belief, the appearance of a dead butterfly in a dream signifies the conclusion of a particular phase in one’s life, be it associated with joy, vitality, affection, or fresh starts. It could also imply that the dreamer may have overlooked the indications of this end, which has already taken place. The dream’s setting and the people involved might offer insights into the precise location of this ending. The deceased butterfly may additionally symbolize a wasted opportunity or serve as a prompt to live in the present moment and take notice of the present before it passes.2
What Does a Butterfly Represent?
The butterfly is widely regarded as a symbol of transformation, hope, and rebirth. As it undergoes metamorphosis from a simple caterpillar to a delicate and beautiful winged creature, it represents the triumph of the spirit and the soul over the physical world. Across cultures, it is seen as an emblem of the soul and an unconscious attraction to light, symbolizing the soul’s opposite of the worm. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Artist of the Beautiful,” the protagonist’s spiritual progression parallels the development of the butterfly, which he strives to recreate mechanically.
In different cultures, the butterfly has taken on additional meanings, including joy and bliss in China and a representation of love, particularly when depicted with wings and held by Cupid. However, in Western culture, the butterfly has been associated with fickleness and lightness. In Shakespeare, it is linked to wantonness, while in Yeats, it is seen as the opposite of the hawk and represents intuition rather than logic. Despite its varying interpretations, the butterfly remains a powerful and universally recognized symbol of transformation and hope.3
Symbolism of a Butterfly’s Wing
A butterfly’s wing holds significant symbolism, which is associated with transformation, freedom, and beauty. It is said that finding a single butterfly wing can be interpreted in different ways. On the one hand, it may represent the reversion of transformation or a loss of freedom, depending on the context. On the other hand, it can also signify the blessings of beauty and artistic creativity.
Butterfly wings are often considered symbols of freedom, as they have the power to lift the butterflies above the fray and onto the summer breeze. Seeing a butterfly reminds us that it is never too late to spread our own wings and take flight, even in the face of adversity. Losing a butterfly wing could mean losing freedom, whereas finding one could represent the lightness and beauty of being free. Therefore, finding a butterfly wing could be taken as a gift that can help us remember that we are free to be our true selves, which can lead to new opportunities for artistic, creative, kind, or altruistic pursuits.4
Butterfly in Different Cultures: Mythology and Folklore
Butterfly in British Folklore
Butterflies have been associated with the soul in British folklore. The belief was prevalent in the United Kingdom, and regional folklore had specific ideas on the subject. In Ireland, butterflies were considered to represent the souls of the dead grandfathers or the newly dead souls waiting to pass through Purgatory.5
Butterfly in Greek Myths
In ancient Greek mythology, the word for butterfly was “psyche,” which translates to “mind” or “soul.” The metamorphosis of the butterfly inspired many Greeks to use it as a symbol of the soul’s exit from the body, signifying freedom from death and immortality. In Greek art, Psyche, a mortal woman, is often depicted with butterfly wings after being granted immortality by Zeus, the father of the gods, as a symbol of her freedom from the chrysalis of death. The butterfly’s symbolism of the soul’s departure from the body is also evident in the depiction of two children holding a chrysalis in a sarcophagus found in Patras, possibly signifying the funerary nature of the scene.
In contrast to the butterfly’s positive symbolism, the moth in Greek mythology has become a symbol of negativity, associated with ugliness, insanity, and death. However, the moth’s attraction to the flame, similar to the soul’s attraction to heavenly truth, has been used to reflect the trials and tribulations that must be endured to eliminate the flesh before experiencing the joys of the beyond. Artists such as Joris Hoefnagel and Salvador Dali have depicted butterflies and moths as symbols of the soul and death, respectively. Santiago Ramón y Cajal, the father of modern Neuroscience, also used the image of a butterfly to describe the pyramidal cells, or “psychic cells,” in the human cerebral cortex, which he referred to as “butterflies of the soul” due to their delicate and elaborate forms.
One of the most famous Greek myths featuring a butterfly is the story of Eros and Psyche. Psyche, a mortal princess, was so beautiful that the goddess of Beauty, Aphrodite, became jealous and sent her son, Eros, to make her fall in love with a monster. Instead, Eros falls in love with Psyche and marries her, but on the condition that she can never see him. Psyche is then sent on impossible tasks by Aphrodite, which she accomplishes with the help of others.167

In art, Psyche is often depicted as a beautiful young woman with butterfly wings, symbolizing her freedom from mortality and her immortal soul.
Butterfly in Japanese Folklore
Butterflies hold a special place in Japanese folklore as it was believed that the souls of people, alive or dead, could take the form of a butterfly. Therefore, any butterfly that entered a house was treated respectfully. This belief led people whose loved ones had departed to look for and welcome the presence of a butterfly and silently pray for it to stay, so they could be close to their loved ones. In one legend, a sick old man named Takahama had a butterfly visit him on his deathbed. This butterfly, a tender and loving soul, was believed to be the soul of his betrothed, Akiko, who died before they could get married. Takahama had vowed never to marry or have any relationship with another woman and, over the years, maintained her grave and prayed over it daily. As he lay dying, he no longer had the strength to perform his labor of love, and Akiko’s soul came to guide him to the afterlife.
The story of Takahama and Akiko illustrates how the butterfly was a symbol of hope and love in Japanese folklore. It was believed that butterflies were messengers from the afterlife and that they could help guide the souls of the departed to their final resting place. This belief gave comfort to those who had lost loved ones and helped them to find solace in the thought that their loved ones were at peace. The story also shows how people who did not behave in what was considered a normal way were often viewed as mad or strange by society, despite being kind and gentle individuals. The legend of Takahama reminds us of the power of love and how it can endure even after death.89
Butterfly in Native American Culture
Butterflies hold a significant role in Native American culture, especially in terms of spirituality and nature. According to a legend, whispering wishes to a butterfly and setting it free restores the balance of nature and grants one’s wishes. Native Americans have a strong connection to nature, and butterflies often symbolize this connection. They adorn their clothes, teepees, and possessions with butterflies, each tribe having its own unique name, knowledge, and experience with the insect.
For some tribes, like the Blackfeet, butterflies are associated with sleep and dreams. They believe that butterflies deliver dreams and even use the image of a butterfly to soothe babies to sleep. In contrast, the Hopi people have various myths and rituals surrounding butterflies. The Butterfly Dance is a traditional social dance held in August or September after the harvest. It is a petition for rain, good health, and long life for all living things, recognizing the butterfly for its beauty and its contribution to pollinating plant life. The spirit of the butterfly is also personified in Hopi Kachina figures, representing the essence of everything in the real world. ((https://www.cpascounseling.com/our_Butterfly/default.html))1011
Butterfly in Norse Mythology
In Norse mythology, butterflies were considered sacred creatures and were given the nickname “Freyja’s Hens” in Nordic countries, particularly in Iceland. Freyja was a goddess of beauty who was associated with sunshine and was known as “the Lady” in Old Norse. ((https://homework.study.com/explanation/was-freyja-associated-with-butterflies.html))
Butterfly Symbolism in Celtic Mythology
In Celtic mythology, butterflies hold a special significance as they are believed to be the spirits of the departed who return to visit their favourite places and loved ones. In Ireland, it was forbidden to kill a white butterfly because it was believed to hold the soul of a dead child. The butterfly is universally considered as a symbol of the human soul, and many ancient civilizations held it in high regard. Native American legends also suggest that butterflies were responsible for carrying wishes to the Great Spirit in heaven. ((https://feileacain.ie/about/why-the-name-feileacain/))
Butterfly Symbolism in Christianity & the Bible
The butterfly symbolism in Christianity & the Bible highlights the transformational power of God in the lives of believers. Butterflies remind us of the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ, and just like Christ, who was born, died, and buried in a tomb, the cocooned caterpillar transforms into a beautiful butterfly. When Jesus was buried in the tomb, the world thought it was the end, but dramatic changes were happening, just as in the cocoon, and Jesus emerged from the grave, victorious over Satan. This is similar to believers receiving a new body in heaven and becoming a new creation in Christ. Butterflies remind us that just as we shed our mortal bodies and obtain eternal ones, the caterpillar also gets a new body in the form of a butterfly.
In Romans 1:20, we are told that God’s invisible attributes are perceived through the things He has made. Therefore, in observing the life of a butterfly, we can see glimpses of God’s nature. Butterflies are created things, just like humans, and while they can direct us towards godly thinking, they are not spiritual things. The butterfly’s life shows us what our eternal body will look like and reminds us that we will no longer be our old selves living in this sinful body, but a new creation in Christ. The butterfly’s transformational power can teach us about the transformation that can happen in our lives through the power of God.
The butterfly symbolism encourages believers to be reconciled to God and to live for Him. Christ’s love compels us to live for Him, and through His death and resurrection, we can receive forgiveness from our sins and become righteous before God. Knowing that our sins have been paid for and that we can live in the righteousness of God can bring hope and joy to our lives. The butterfly’s life reminds us of the hope we have in Christ, who died for us and rose again, and encourages us to live our lives for Him.12
Butterfly Symbolism in Chinese Culture
Butterflies hold significant symbolism in Chinese culture, and the characters for “butterfly” have similar sounds to those for “good fortune” and “the elders.” As a result, butterflies are often seen in artwork celebrating long life and are considered symbols of good luck and happiness. In addition, seeing two butterflies flying together is believed to guarantee a lifetime of love and prosperity.
The word for butterfly in Chinese, hudie, is associated with love and romance and often used in greeting cards and handicrafts for weddings. Butterflies also represent rebirth after death and are seen as a symbol of longevity, summer, and joy. One famous story about a butterfly in Chinese culture is the painting of a moth’s eyebrow, which tells the story of a scholar who falls in love with a poor girl and paints eyebrows for her. The painted eyebrows come to life and become a beautiful butterfly that remains true to the girl, becoming a symbol of love and hope.
Butterflies also hold significance for Taiwan’s indigenous groups, with the Rukai people using butterfly symbols to represent swiftness and diligence and the Paiwan people using tribal beads of the Swallowtail to decorate those who are fast and nimble. However, the Tao tribe believes that Magellan’s Iridescent Birdwing represents evil spirits. Despite these varying interpretations, butterflies continue to hold deep cultural significance in Chinese and Taiwanese traditions, representing luck, love, and rebirth.1314
Butterfly African Symbolism
The story of the butterfly struggling to emerge from its cocoon is a powerful symbol in African culture. It represents the idea that sometimes struggles are necessary in order to grow and develop spiritually. This symbolism is rooted in the belief that God allows us to face tough challenges, but always provides a way for us to get through them. Just as the butterfly’s struggle to emerge from its cocoon forces fluid from its body into its wings to prepare it for flight, our struggles can prepare us for the challenges that lie ahead.
This butterfly symbolism can also be seen as a reminder to be patient and trust in the natural process of growth and development. The man who tried to help the butterfly by cutting away the cocoon did not understand that the struggle was necessary for the butterfly to fully develop. Similarly, we must be careful not to rush the process of our own growth and development, and trust that the challenges we face are part of a larger plan for our spiritual journey.((https://www.cpascounseling.com/our_Butterfly/default.html))

Read also Fox Meaning & Symbolism
Butterfly Tattoo Meaning
Butterfly tattoos are a popular choice for those seeking a tattoo with a deep meaning. As one of the most beautiful creatures in the animal kingdom, the butterfly is a symbol of faith, transformation, and freedom. Additionally, butterfly tattoos are closely connected to femininity and romantic love, which adds to their appeal.
The butterfly tattoo meanings are vast, and the wearer can associate different meanings with their butterfly tattoo. Freedom is one of the most common butterfly tattoo meanings, as the butterfly is a flying insect with prominent wings. Butterflies are also associated with hope and rebirth, as they begin their lives as earthbound caterpillars and later transform into something more beautiful and perfect. The butterfly effect theory also makes the butterfly tattoo a powerful symbol of the randomness of life and the importance of one’s actions, no matter how insignificant they may seem. Finally, the species and design of the butterfly tattoo can further impact its meaning, as different colors and species have different connotations. ((https://customtattoodesign.ca/tattoo-meanings/butterfly-tattoo-meanings))
Butterfly Color Meanings
Red butterflies are believed by some Native American tribes to symbolize a powerful soul or spirit, as well as being linked to the root chakra and grounding your energies.
Yellow butterflies were seen by ancient tribes as bringing guidance and hope in your life. They are also associated with the solar plexus chakra, which is the core of our personality, identity, and ego.
Blue butterflies suggest personal transformation related to spiritual dimensions, specifically the third eye region.
Green butterflies are linked to nature and the heart, symbolizing love, compassion, growth, and flourishing development.
Purple butterflies are associated with royalty, wealth, and an increased connection with spirit.
Brown butterflies indicate a fresh new start in your life, while black butterflies suggest transformation of your shadow.
Pink butterflies symbolize joy and vibrancy emerging in your waking life.
Finally, white butterflies represent purity, innocence, hope, and undergoing a major change in your life.2
What is the Meaning of Butterfly?
Disclaimer: While Symbolopedia employs a scientific methodology to explain and investigate symbols, it is important to acknowledge that symbolic cognition may have predated human awareness. Consequently, some symbols may be more instinctively felt than intellectually comprehended. To account for this, we strive to encompass symbols from diverse fields and belief systems in our descriptions.
The butterfly is a symbol with significant spiritual meanings. In many cultures, it represents the human soul and is believed to manifest human spirits. Additionally, the butterfly can be seen as a symbol of enlightened souls or angels due to its association with the soul. Furthermore, the butterfly’s transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly is seen as a miraculous and beautiful process, making it a powerful symbol for spiritual transformation and enlightenment. Here are the three spiritual meanings of the butterfly15:
- The human soul
- Angels or enlightened souls
- Spiritual transformation
The butterfly effect
The butterfly effect is a concept from chaos theory that suggests small changes can lead to significant differences. Edward Norton Lorenz, a meteorologist, used the example that the flap of a butterfly’s wings could potentially cause a tornado on the opposite side of the planet. This notion is highlighted in the 2004 movie The Butterfly Effect, where small changes to past events result in personal disasters for the main character. This theory emphasizes the interconnectedness of everything in the universe and signifies the power of even the tiniest actions. As such, butterflies serve as a powerful symbol for this concept.7
Spiritual Meaning of a Butterfly
The spiritual meaning of a butterfly holds significant importance in many cultures. Despite being an insect, butterflies are considered powerful spiritual entities by many people. When a butterfly is chosen as a spirit animal, it is a sign that the person is likely to be deeply spiritual. Moreover, it is a symbol of extraordinary transformation and personal growth. Butterflies represent the chance to change one’s life into something that is not only free but also breathtakingly beautiful. Regardless of what aspect of life one wishes to transform – be it worldview, career, appearance, or relationships – the butterfly spirit animal is a powerful reminder that change is possible, and it all starts with a dream.
The butterfly spirit animal also highlights the transient nature of life. It urges us to seize the moment and appreciate life’s wonders and treasures while they last. By doing so, we can embrace the lightness of being and allow ourselves to enjoy life to the fullest. The butterfly is here to uplift and lighten our heavy hearts, reminding us to live in the present moment and cherish every experience that comes our way. In essence, the butterfly spirit animal is a reminder of the beauty, magic, and transformative power of life.15
Meditation to Connect With the Butterfly Spirit Animal

Connecting with the butterfly spirit animal through meditation can be a powerful experience. To begin, set your intention to meet your animal totem before starting the meditation. During the meditation, you may experience different sensations such as seeing or hearing something related to the butterfly. However, if this doesn’t happen, don’t be discouraged. Sometimes it may take a few attempts to make a connection.
The butterfly is a symbol of transformation and change, and its spirit animal is said to bring guidance during periods of transition. When meditating with the butterfly spirit animal, focus on its delicate wings and its ability to transform from a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly. Allow yourself to connect with the butterfly’s energy and let it guide you through any changes you may be experiencing in your life. Remember to trust in the process and be open to the guidance the butterfly spirit animal has to offer.16
Butterfly Totem Animal
The Butterfly Totem Animal is a powerful symbol of metamorphosis, renewal, and different life cycles. It reminds us of the importance of embracing change and easily flowing through the stages of life. Those with the Butterfly Totem Animal are not afraid of getting older or moving on to the next thing because they know that this is what life is all about. The Butterfly Totem Animal guides and protects us while also reminding us to appreciate the beauty of every stage of life. Other character traits of the Butterfly Totem Animal include lightness, spiritual elevation, physical glow up, psychic abilities, and playfulness. By teaching others these qualities, we can fulfill our soul karma. Various traditions and religions believe that each Animal Totem has the qualities of the animal it represents, and can foretell our destiny or share insight into our life mission. To understand the qualities of your Animal Totem, it is important to observe how the animal behaves in the physical world.16Character traits of the Butterfly Totem Animal:
- Metamorphosis
- Renewal
- Different life cycles
- Lightness
- Spiritual elevation
- Physical glow up
- Psychic abilities
- Playfulness
Butterfly Power Animal

The Butterfly is a power animal that has a unique set of characteristics. With thousands of individual lenses in their eyes, they possess the ability to see a single image with great clarity. In addition, they can also perceive ultraviolet wavelengths of light, which may suggest clairvoyant abilities for those who have Butterfly as their power animal. The butterfly’s antennae have small knobs on each end, which aid in orientation. If one of the antennae is missing, the butterfly will fly in circles and become disoriented. Therefore, those who have the Butterfly as their ally should remain consciously connected to the spirit at all times, to ensure that they can fulfil their goals. ((https://www.shamanicjourney.com/butterfly-power-animal-symbol-of-change-the-soul-creativity-freedom-joy-and-colour))
Butterfly Encounters & Omens
Encountering a butterfly can deliver a message or guidance to an individual, providing wisdom and inspiration. It can also be a signal from the universe to direct one’s focus on personal growth and assure them that their life is on the correct path. Butterflies symbolize transformation, and encountering them frequently might call one to look within themselves and identify areas they need to improve upon. Such an encounter may be a sign that a period of growth and self-discovery is upon them. Butterflies remind us to look towards the future with optimism and anticipation, but true change cannot occur without courage and humility. However, encountering a pure black butterfly is thought to mean bad luck and curses, and it may be a warning to examine one’s life for possible sources of negative energy.17
In conclusion, the butterfly has served as a powerful symbol of transformation, hope, and faith for thousands of years. Its various life cycles have made it a representation of rebirth, while its ability to move freely and not be restricted represents rising above earthly matters and tuning into the emotional or spiritual world of the soul and psyche. Across different cultures and mythologies, the butterfly has taken on additional meanings such as representing joy, love, and the soul’s departure from the body. The butterfly’s wings are often associated with freedom, beauty, and creativity, and finding one can signify the blessings of these traits. Despite the varying interpretations, the butterfly remains a powerful and universally recognized symbol of transformation and hope.

Reviewed by Alexander Lys, M.L., a specialist in the field of symbolism research and dream psychology. A certified participant in numerous psychological seminars and courses, the author of hundreds of articles on psychology, including studies on symbolism in dreams and myths from a scientific perspective.
- https://www.cpascounseling.com/our_Butterfly/default.html [↩] [↩]
- https://www.dreamdictionary.org/meaning/butterfly-dreams/ [↩] [↩] [↩]
- http://websites.umich.edu/~umfandsf/symbolismproject/symbolism.html/B/butterfly.html [↩]
- https://goldencelestial.com/the-symbolic-meaning-of-finding-a-single-butterfly-wing/ [↩]
- https://www.mimimatthews.com/2016/10/14/emblems-of-the-soul-butterflies-in-victorian-fashion-and-folklore/ [↩]
- https://www.scielo.br/j/anp/a/y65SG658xdTZWxtQmjmj9qd/?lang=en [↩]
- https://aimeeschreiber.com/blogs/news/butterfly-symbolism [↩] [↩]
- http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/45723 [↩]
- https://ztevetevans.wordpress.com/2020/09/09/japanese-folktales-the-butterfly-soul/ [↩]
- https://milford.lib.de.us/2020/07/11/fantastic-folklore-butterflies/ [↩]
- http://butterfly-lady.com/native-american-legends-of-the-butterfly/ [↩]
- https://www.christianity.com/wiki/bible/do-butterflies-have-a-spiritual-meaning-in-the-bible.html [↩]
- https://www.thebutterflychokers.com/butterfly-meaning-in-chinese/ [↩]
- https://www.amnh.org/explore/ology/zoology/the-butterfly-kingdom2/butterflies-in-culture [↩]
- https://www.uniguide.com/butterfly-meaning-symbolism-spirit-guide#3_Butterfly_Spiritual_Meanings [↩] [↩]
- https://animaltotem.com/butterfly-totem/ [↩] [↩]
- https://worldbirds.com/butterfly-symbolism [↩]