Plates, in symbolic terms, represent a readiness to receive, the spirit of service, hospitality, and the concept of sharing. They serve as a representation of emotional and spiritual sustenance. The plate’s round shape signifies wholeness, unity, and infinity. This symbol also implies the notion of balance and symmetry, suggesting an equilibrium of energy and a harmonious distribution of life’s essentials.
- Symbolism: readiness to receive, spirit of service, hospitality, sharing, emotional and spiritual sustenance, wholeness, unity, infinity, balance, symmetry, equilibrium of energy, distribution of life’s essentials.
Plate in Dreams
Dreaming about plates usually relates to emotions and ideas that you are holding in your mind. It suggests an openness and readiness to receive new insights or perspectives. Seeing a broken plate in your dream signifies feelings of disappointment, while a full plate may symbolize abundance and wealth. Empty plates often denote feelings of deprivation or inadequacy.
- Symbolism: holding in mind, openness, readiness, new insights, perspectives, broken plate-disappointment, full plate-abundance, wealth, empty plate-deprivation, inadequacy.
See also our Free Dream Interpretation Tool
Plate in Myths and Folklore
In Greek mythology, plates or dishes often held great symbolic importance. For instance, the myth of Tantalus describes his punishment as forever reaching for a fruit above him and water below him, but both recede whenever he tries to eat or drink. Here, the plate symbolizes temptation and unfulfilled desire. In another Greek legend, Demeter’s search for her daughter Persephone is symbolized by a plate. Demeter refuses to eat or drink until her daughter is found, presenting the plate as a symbol of maternal sacrifice and love.
In Hindu mythology, plates, often made of metal like brass or silver, hold religious significance. They are used in rituals and ceremonies, considered as sacred vessels for holding offerings to the gods. The plate in this context symbolizes devotion, reverence, and the act of giving or offering.
- Symbolism: temptation, unfulfilled desire, maternal sacrifice, love, devotion, reverence, act of giving, offering.
Plate Spiritual Meanings
In spiritual symbolism, plates signify stability, balance, and the cyclical nature of life. They symbolize the spiritual "food" or teachings that nourish the soul. The act of placing food on a plate can represent the preparation for a spiritual journey or acknowledging the blessings we’ve received. Empty plates can symbolize the need for spiritual nourishment, while a full plate can symbolize spiritual satisfaction or abundance.
- Symbolism: stability, balance, cyclical nature of life, spiritual "food", spiritual journey, acknowledgement of blessings, need for spiritual nourishment, spiritual satisfaction, abundance.
Plate Tattoo Meaning
A plate tattoo can capture a myriad of meanings based on the wearer’s personal experiences and interpretations. For some, a plate tattoo could symbolize a passion for culinary arts or hospitality industry. Others might see it as a symbol of stability and balance, rooted in the plate’s round shape. It could also represent abundance, sustenance, or the concept of sharing and giving. Broken plate tattoos might signify overcoming disappointments or endurance through difficult times.
- Symbolism: passion for culinary arts, hospitality, stability, balance, abundance, sustenance, sharing, giving, overcoming disappointments, endurance.

Reviewed by Alexander Lys, M.L., a specialist in the field of symbolism research and dream psychology. A certified participant in numerous psychological seminars and courses, the author of hundreds of articles on psychology, including studies on symbolism in dreams and myths from a scientific perspective.