The tower is a symbol with dual aspects of protection and isolation. It represents strength, stability, and the ability to watch over and defend against threats from a high vantage point. Conversely, towers also symbolize confinement and the separation of those within from the outside world, as seen in tales where characters are imprisoned in towers. Architecturally, towers are often associated with religious buildings, signifying aspiration towards the divine and the heavens.
Tower in Dreams
In the context of dreams, a tower might symbolize the dreamer’s personal ambitions or goals, reaching high into the sky. It could also represent the ego and pride, standing tall and apart from others. Alternatively, a tower in a dream may reflect feelings of being trapped or aloof from society. The action of ascending or descending a tower in a dream can indicate a journey of personal growth or the overcoming of challenges.
Tower in Myths and Folklore
In myths, fairy tales, and legends, towers are prominent settings for pivotal events. They can be enchanted places that hold secrets or magical beings. The Tower of Babel in biblical mythology represents the ambition of humanity striving to reach God, which leads to their downfall. Fairy tales often feature towers as places of imprisonment, such as Rapunzel’s tower, which is both her sanctuary and her cell. Towers can also be formidable obstacles or strongholds that heroes must conquer or overcome, embodying a trial of courage or intellect.

Reviewed by Alexander Lys, M.L., a specialist in the field of symbolism research and dream psychology. A certified participant in numerous psychological seminars and courses, the author of hundreds of articles on psychology, including studies on symbolism in dreams and myths from a scientific perspective.